Welcome to The Gut Healer Journal

Discover the latest gut health research, as well as tips and tools from Leila (aka The Gut Healer) to support you on your gut health journey.

The five pillars of gut health
Leila Wright Leila Wright

The five pillars of gut health

When it comes to understanding gut health, the sheer volume of information available on the internet can be overwhelming. It can be helpful to break things down into five digestible pillars, which you can come back to when you need a reminder of what the most important aspects of gut health are.

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A beginner’s guide to gut health
Leila Wright Leila Wright

A beginner’s guide to gut health

If you’re new to gut health and looking for an introduction to the common gut health terms (and the ones I tend to use the most around here), then this is the article for you. It can be challenging to navigate the complex world of the gut and these terms can be confusing to say the least, so let’s simplify them!

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A guide to supporting your gut health at Christmas
Leila Wright Leila Wright

A guide to supporting your gut health at Christmas

Here are my 6 tips to support you and your gut health through the Christmas period. No restrictions necessary, no reason to feel guilty, just ways to ensure you keep symptoms at bay and that you can enjoy yourself and be merry!

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The benefits of fibre for gut health
Leila Wright Leila Wright

The benefits of fibre for gut health

The benefits of fibre on gut health is extensively researched. By increasing your daily intake, you can relieve gut symptoms such as bloating and constipation, and increase beneficial bacteria within your gut. Find out how!

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